


Dr. 桑德拉·麦克尼尔博士.D., was appointed as 临时副总裁 of 研究 and Economic Development on February 1, 2024. 在这个职位上. McNeil oversees various aspects of 澳门皇冠体育’s research and innovation enterprise.

Dr. McNeil is an action-oriented researcher and scholar with more than 20 years of experience as a sociology professor and researcher in higher education. Her work integrates 奖学金, engagement, and community involvement. 在担任目前的职务之前, she served as Assistant Provost with a focus on research engagement.

此外,博士. McNeil continues to serve as the activity director of the Institute for Social Justice and Race Relations and as a professor of sociology. From 2018 to 2020, she was an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & 国家科学基金会技术政策研究员, where she contributed to evaluating the NSF Sexual Harassment Term and Condition in the Office of 多样性 and 包容. She was also selected to participate in the Higher Education Resource Services (HERS) 领导 Institute at Wellesley College. Dr. 麦克尼尔的专长涵盖多元化和包容性, 项目开发, 研究评估, 和评估, 以及政策的监督和执行, including compliance with federal-sector EEO and civil rights regulations in the grantee community.

作为助理教务长. 麦克尼尔促进了研究中的战略合作, 奖学金, 和服务, resulting in research excellence demonstrated by successful tenure and promotion awards and external recognition of faculty achievements. 她的工作以下列目标为指导:

  • Facilitating team-building across disciplines, experience levels, and skillsets
  • Supporting faculty capacity-building for research participation
  • 加强与其他机构的研究合作
  • Removing barriers to access funding agencies, program officers, and research opportunities
  • Encouraging greater participation of faculty, staff, and 学生 in research activities

为了实现这些目标,Dr. 麦克尼尔实施了各种计划和活动. She provided platforms for research discourse and dissemination through events such as 研究 Engagement Week and the Spring Virtual 研究 Colloquium. She also introduced initiatives such as 研究 Table Talk and Spring Break Extreme to foster team-building and support interdisciplinary research teams. 另外, she initiated a grant-writing coaching program for JSU faculty following the retirement of two NSF programs. Dr. McNeil forged inter-institutional partnerships for research collaboration and career pathways, 为JSU教师安排机会, 学生, and staff to engage with program officers at funding agencies and fellowship program directors. 自2021年以来, she has served as Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI on more than $1,397,057的外部资助赠款. 这种生产力建立在一个成功的拨款写作记录上, 包括她作为JSU ADVANCE项目共同负责人的角色, which earned her recognition as a High Grant Award Winner by the Office of 研究 and Federal Relations at JSU.

Dr. McNeil is widely acknowledged as a leader in her academic field and a subject-matter expert in sociology. She has been invited to review proposals for federal agencies and nonprofit foundations, as well as to evaluate city government programs and STEM projects. Dr. 麦克尼尔还担任过期刊和书评人, 撰写了几篇文章, 还合编了一本书. Her work often integrates STEM techniques and tools into social science disciplines. 熟练的沟通者, 她曾在国家大会上作过演讲, 区域, 以及当地的会议和研讨会. Dr. 麦克尼尔是社区改善机会的倡导者, with extensive experience in working with diverse populations and culturally-focused projects. She has served in various capacities in the JSU Faculty Senate and chaired numerous university committees. She has earned numerous awards and accolades for her academic and community outreach achievements, 包括2021年的国际人道法多样性领导奖.

Dr. McNeil earned a graduate certificate in homeland security-disaster management from Texas A& M大学, a doctoral degree in sociology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a 硕士 degree in sociology with a focus on alcohol and drug studies from 澳门皇冠体育, 以及莱恩学院的学士学位.

电子邮件: consandra.mcneil@jlszwjxw.com


To really succeed in any area of research, you need supporters who believe in you. JSU’s Office of 研究 and Economic Development is here to help you with securing funding, 寻找机会, 把你的作品带给公众.


The 创新创业中心 (CIEED) leverages the best of JSU’s STEM, 业务, and entrepreneurial capabilities to help solve some of society’s most pressing problems. 通过将我们的研究人员与企业家配对, 设计师, 和企业, 我们帮助您将您的发明变为现实.



1400 J.R. 林奇街,
杰克逊,MS 39217-0280

